Struggling to find that ideal venue for that big day because choosing the venue is the next biggest decision after choosing the dress. When choosing your venue, you need to consider a number of aspects such as your budget, what are you willing to spend on the venue and what packages the venue provides within the prices you are willing to spend for your wedding in Wales.

Havin a wedding in Wales? Here are 10 Top Tips to finding your dream venue
1. Choose a venue to suit your personalities
Every couple is unique, so work as a team to find a venue that includes both of your tastes. Whether you go for a modern loft, a simple beach wedding or a grand manor house. Choose a venue that suits your personalities combined into one.
2. Stick to your budget
Yes, it is true finding a gorgeous venue is possible, even on the smallest of budgets. Talk to your partner and decide on how much you would like to spend on the venue- use the budget guide check list to guide you as to how much to spend on your venue based on your budget.

3. Location
One of the most important decisions you will make is where to position your wedding. You are likely to have family and friends across the country (or the world). So choosing a location will be key to making sure everyone can attend. Consider elderly relatives who may not be able to travel very far or walk up stairs, and it might be worth looking somewhere with great transport connections if everyone is coming from a far and wide.
4. Space
Take into consideration the size of your guest list and what you want to happen on the day. Make sure your venue can accommodate for your large party of 300, or has the perfect intimate ceremony space for you and your 10 guests.

5. Keep an open mind
Not every venue will take your breath away. However, some unexpected venues may actually make your wedding day perfect. Keep your mind open to different ideas, themes and locations if possible, as you may be surprised at what you find. How about tying the knot in a riverside cabin, at the zoo or at a stunning picture house.
6. Listen to recommendations On your big day you will want everything to run smoothly from dawn until dusk. Read reviews and recommendations of your prospective venues to see how their day went, and make sure your wedding service is 5*

7. Stay in control
Write a list of non-negotiable things you want to include in your day and make sure your venue fits in with this. if you want a particular caterer, an ice sculpture and fireworks on your wedding day, make it happen! If a venue can cater for this, then you know you are on the right path to creating the perfect day.
8. Consider the lighting
One of the most forgotten elements to your wedding day is lighting. there is not much point have a gorgeous venue if nobody can see it. Make sure there is plenty of lighting to compliment the spaces and your wedding theme. Stay well away from fluorescent or ultraviolet lighting (unless you are having a glow in the dark wedding, that is). If all else fails, creating your own stunning lighting.

9. Visit more than once
Always go and see your top venue choices two or three times before you make a decision. There is no rush to sign on the dotted line...take your time as your venue will affect every other choice you make in regards to your upcoming wedding
10. Making sure you get 'the feeling' You know when that feeling of butterflies appears in your stomach, and you can totally envisage yourself walking down the aisle in an unforgettable venue? That is 'the feeling', and it normally means it is the perfect venue for you.
When you are looking for your dream venue you need to think of the style you want for your wedding, does it provide the unique wedding touches you are looking for (e.g. river, other scenery, old style, modern style). Does it have a personal link to you as a couple.
Through my experience in choosing my venue for my big day me and my husband was looking for a venue that not just had the wow aspect but a few extra touches to represent us as a couple, the venue represents a little bit about you as a couple. When we was looking for a venue we needed a venue that showed the beautiful scenery of South Wales as I am from here my husband is not, he comes from a city with no scenery and he wanted his family to experience the beautiful views he now enjoys every day. We also were looking for a venue that provided us with a river and a bench, as our experience with each aspect in the development of our relationship has been based around these. We became a couple sitting on a bench in a park next to a river and he then purposed to me on a bench in a park next to a river. So, the venue we choose was in a national park set in the great views of South Wales that has a river and bench with the amazing scenery of the Welsh valleys.
Emma Louise wedding planner can help you with choosing the correct venue for your big day taking steps to create your top 3. Through looking at a brochure that i have produced of all the wonderful venues throughout Swansea, Bridgend and Cardiff with other venues out of these areas but within South Wales. You get to explore the brochure and choose your top 3 venues that you like the look of. We can then look into more detail about each venue, what aspects they provide and what aspects you are looking for in your venue. With these 3 choices I will then book appointments for me to take you to look at each venue and you can get the feel of these venues and from those visits choose that dream venue you would like to spend your magical day in.
I hope I have helped you on your way to finding the perfect venue. if you would like more info check out my blog about 3 venues within South Wales this will give you a inside about 3 venues with images of what they look like.
Or if you would like to book a FREE consultation and discuss about what style wedding venue you are looking for contact me through
Hope you enjoyed the read
Emma Louise x